Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day 16- Roanoke, VA to Martinsville, VA

I got a late start to the day, because the previous night was spent sleeping in the rental car and needless to say, I didn't sleep well. This day was full of hills, again. You know how the Eskimos have 21 classifications of snow, well I think I'll have at least that many for hills when I get done.

I tried to find the Blue Ridge Parkway to ride a little bit of it, but I went on a super hilly 8 mile wild parkway chase. Anyway, I abandoned the search and rode the main route to Martinsburg.

I stayed with Andy and Laura and their baby. We had pizza! Their extra bedroom was awesome and even had cable. I watch the Crossfit Championships, something to think about when I'm done this challenge. 

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